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Male cat a mom?

Six abandoned kittens all named from the children in the Brady Brunch TV show are getting cared for well. The strange thing is the one who is caring for them isn't female he's male! Only three week old kittens have been adopted by Henry a male cat eight months old.

A question is why did Henry take the role of a mother? A theory I have is I think Henry heard the kittens crying and felt bad for them so he toook them in and cared for them.

Once I was on a hike and we found this adorable kitten. It was abanded and skinny I really wanted to take it home but my mom said we couldn't. But fortunately a girl who looked about 23 took the kitten and made it her pet.

I think this article is very interesting because it shows us anything could happen and nothings impossible. It also shows us cats are loving gentle creatures especially Henry.

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